Having had the problems researchers face in developing robotic systems, keeping simplicity in mind , and determined to make young innovators able to create robotic artworks, now introducing The Teachigo
Built-in Power Supply
All-Day-Long power, thanks to High capacity Lithium-Ion batteries ,charging with normal cellphone chargers, no need to buy separate batteries and charger, all you need is a normal cellphone charger and it will charge the batteries in couple of hours.
Built-in Motor Drivers
No need to buy separate bulky motor drivers and use many wires, you have motor drivers with little voltage drop, enhanced for all small motors in the market, with adjustable speed for every motor and each motor driver able to power two motors at the same time.
No need to use many wires
The wirings are built-into the circuit, and use pin headers to connect to modules and external devices. At the same time, the micro controller pins are also multipurpose, meaning you can turn off the pins that go to motor drivers and built-in wirings and use them for other purposes. the only wires in a line follower version, both four wheel drive and two wheel drive variations with Ultrasonic sensors and five line sensors are the wires that go to every motor.
Multiple Layers of Protection
Multiple fuses and circuit blocks protect the robot and it`s core elements, The batteries have protection fuses one by one, the built-in battery charger protects the batteries against over charging, over discharging, external short circuits, and keeps the battery charge within optimal range. The servo section and motor drivers sections have separate fuses also. The motors have built-in resettable fuses which in case a motor heats up or malfunctions, automatically pause that.
Next Level Gripper
With two gripping force sensors, You are able to not only adjust the force needed to grab different objects mechanically, but you also can adjust the force electronically through logic gates you adjust, so Grabbing will be only a simple piece of code, which applies to a range of objects from eggs to a sponge, to hard objects and the size will not affect the function of our gripper.
Adaptability to existing devices
If you have parts , modules , brackets from previous projects, you can use them with Teachigo easily as the installation holes and pin headers match. You can also attach multiple structures and build more complex robots like longer armed robots, hexapods, and also add more complex sensors and also you will have space and holes to install them.
The basic version can easily be upgraded to the full version with the upgrade pack we offer. the mainboards in all models are the same so the upgrade costs will be the least
Built-in adjustable power supply
Easily adjusting the voltage based on the need of the external device , you can have up to 3 amperes of current provided for demanding devices like multiple servos at the same time
Technical Properties
- Power supply Voltage: 8.4V
- Power supply`s maximum Current:4A
- Adjustable power supply: 0 to 8.4v
- Adjustable power supply`s maximum current: 3A (fuse protected)
- Batteries: 2 x Lithium-Ion 2200mAh
- Servo section maximum current : 3A
- Motor driver section`s maximum current: 2A (fuse protected)
- Motor Driver chips: L9110s
- Motor Drivers supply voltage: 2.5-12V
- Motor drivers maximum working current: 0.8A
- Motor drivers maximum momentary current : 2.5A
- Motors maximum current draw: 180mA
- Motors Resettable fuse rating: 500mA
Built-in Pins Assignment Map